Future of Health & Wellbeing

What role should prevention and healthy lifestyle play in 2050? How do we balance the healthcare system between highest quality and affordability? How do we improve the quality of life for all segments of the population?

We explore the technological and societal trends that will transform our healthcare system. We envision what the future should look like in 2050 and chart the paths to get there. To achieve this, we initiate the discussions that we must have today to experience this future tomorrow.

Artificial intelligence is expected to surpass human diagnostic abilities, potentially making doctors and medical professionals obsolete in the field of diagnosis.
The task at hand is to consider how tasks and responsibilities should be distributed between artificial intelligence and medical personnel in the year 2050, and what measures need to be taken to achieve this.
In 2050, organs will become increasingly replaceable and producible in any desired quantity.
Should the exchange of organs be restricted? When does a person cease to be human?
The potential and possibilities for personalized prevention will be immense in 2050.
Do we want prevention to become an integral part of our lives? How much do we want to prioritize preventive medicine over reactive medicine?

These are just some of the foreseeable trends and the associated societal and political questions. In order to avoid increasing polarization of society, we must start the discourse on these issues today. The insights gained from this discourse can help overcome fears and unlock the potentials of the future.

What do you think?

If we don’t actively shape the future, others will determine it for us. In order to live the future as we wish, we need to have a broad discourse on open questions. What do you think about the following hypotheses for the future in 2050? Vote here on Mentimeter and find out what others think!
Anonymized health data stored in a centralized manner should be automatically available for research purposes.

Limiting the interchangeability of organs is necessary to preserve humanity.


Artificial intelligence should make therapy recommendations while doctors and healthcare professionals should serve as human intermediaries to the patient.

White Paper “Future of Health Care”

Our white paper on the future of healthcare discusses the changes that our healthcare system could be facing in 2050. It presents hypotheses for a positive, realistic utopia and outlines milestones to achieve it.

  • Do we want to make health data widely available for research purposes?
  • How should the healthcare system be financed in 2050?
  • How do we want to address interventions that enhance human performance?